Sumerian VA-243 Tablet (updated 2023 in green)
Most everyone has heard of Zecharia Sitchin who wrote about Planet 12 in his books regarding Nibiru and the Anunnaki. He claimed to be able to read the Cuneiform clay tablets though that wasn’t his primary training. In the upper left section of the VA-243 image there is a group of circles arranged in a peculiar order around what appeared to him to be the sun.
In modern times there are now available translations which do indicate some of his story to be well founded. But his technical support for the planet theory was pretty lacking and not convincing to a lot of scholars, who incidentally mostly didn’t really have any technical background either. The general trend has been to try and prove or disprove the Sitchin Theory based on typical archeological historical background which has grown forward in time based on correlation of pottery shards and other evidence dug up for the last couple centuries.
Even in the more recent book edited by his niece, Janet, a search of say words like “ancient text” turns up not a single reference to a specific Sumerian text or even a group of texts. This is not the work of a serious researcher. In searches of numerous Sumerian texts say using a word like “gold”, there is only reference to jewelry, payment and references similar to what we use today. There never is an association with gold to the word planet and no mention of Nibiru.
As a child in the cub scouts, I made something like this cylinder seal. One smears ink material on a smooth block with the image on it and then runs a wooden cylinder over it. Then using a handheld small router, the wood is chewed off the cylinder in the right places to re-create the artwork. If one wants to make a roller for solidifying clay, the indentations have to have the proper taper to release the clay carefully such that the vacuum doesn’t suck up bits and pieces of the clay and damaging the image. The design and fabrication are not simple processes.
If the sun circle is about an inch in diameter, the other circles carved on the stone are only fractions of an inch and must be very precise in order to carry the curved surface carving onto the flat surface clay. The curved surface contributes to the successful image transfer versus say a flat mold which pulls a vacuum as it is removed and can tear out pieces of the surface clay.
The Sitchin Theory emphasizes a 3600 year cycle, though he says it could be shorter by cosmic interactions too complex to explain to the natives of the time. In my numerous searches of modern day Sumerian Texts, I have found nothing that describes anything referencing 3600 which would be in base 60 terms as in the Plimpton 322 tablet. (see
In the Sitchin books “The Lost Book of Enki” he clearly intended to make it a fictional book though many believe it was a translation. The use of NASA language widely used when Sitchin wrote the book such as “Mission Control Center” should have been a clue to his readers. His niece, Jan Sitchin, clearly states that it was fictionalized but based on volumes of related evidence.
The Comet (dark star=70% solar mass) 1680 cycles every 575.5 years but it could easily have a smaller planet orbiting around it which may lag so far behind that it rarely gets close to earth, except maybe every 6 cycles at 575.5 yrs = 3453 years.
For everything about Comet 1680, see the website referenced at the end but repeated here
That planet might not get much heat from our sun, but white dwarfs are thought to still be pretty hot and with proper insulation could keep a planet warm with the flexing of the crust due to gravity much like Jupiter does with some of its moons. A collapsed star would be relatively unaffected by passing near the sun and many of the exoplanets being discovered in recent times seem to lean towards having a binary star relationship.
Our closest binary star pair is Sirius with the major operating star Sirius A is about double the mass of our sun and the mass of Sirius B is about equal to our sun mass but of course at a collapsed density it is but a mere fraction of our solar radius. However, the temperature of the collapsed white dwarf is about 3 times the temperature of Sirius A. If Comet 1680 has a similar high temperature, that may keep any planets in orbit around it warm enough to support life. The type of radiation from a collapsed star may be entirely different than the radiation from our sun.
Most of the matter that we know anything about has a tiny nucleus and then electrons 10,000,000 diameters out from the nucleus. All the radiation we currently experience comes from the change in energy of those electrons. A collapsed star to say a neutron star has only neutrons and their density is very high measured in tons per cubic centimeter. We have no idea what the environment around a dark star would be like.
The Anunnaki were said by Sitchin to be interested in collecting gold for their planet. Numerous real Sumerian texts talk about trips by sea around the southeastern corner of Africa. Lots of civilizations are attracted to gold but I don’t recall any other reference to making major ocean journeys primarily to collect gold until the more modern times. Sitchin became convinced they were mining in the mines of South Africa but that is unlikely since there was too much other gold far easier to collect than digging a deep mine at the time.
Update 2023
If the plane of the Comet 1680 is tipped 60 degrees from the solar system plane, then the chance of a collision is much reduced. However, it still could come right over the top or bottom of any of the planets at relatively close encounter and if it is massive, as it is, then crustal deformation is a certainty.
In 2018 when most of the work on VA 243 was done, it was thought a computer program could be written to find the VA 243 planet configuration. But this would require substantial integration with Hplanet software and is a far bigger project than anticipated at the time.
However, Hplanet was stepped backward at 29.42414844 years per integer and found 27 cycles of Saturn was quite close to 67 cycles of Jupiter, but not close enough to make the Saturn and Jupiter pattern match VA 243 and Venus and Earth also fit with the VA 243 pattern. This was done over the full range of Hplanet of about -5000 to +5000 and only one pattern was found.
The image below goes back to 2585 BC when perhaps the folks were on earth or else an important time to them. In this interpretation, Saturn and Jupiter radius ratio is correct. The same is true for earth and Venus.
The red center lines seem to establish the location of the larger circle herein thought to represent the “shorthand” for comet 1680 and shown as a black hexagon. Then the center line also is pointing straight down where comet 1680 ought to be at apogee. Also, a similar line from Uranus to Neptune is straight down.
Initially, it seemed a major hit in October 5, 2004 but few of the planet combinations were realistic ratios of the real diameters. While checking the ratios, it was found that there were certain ratios that repeated, like the earth to mars ratio of 0.533. Later the Venus to earth ratio was found. Since the Saturn to Jupiter ratio was so precise and the earth mars combination didn’t cause Saturn to Jupiter to move measurably, it appeared that this portion of the image is like a date stamp and covers an era spanning about the whole year of 2585 BC. September 25 seems to be most precise about the location of Comet 1680 but in the image below one can see the speculation that there is a planet in orbit around Comet 1680.
The black dashed radii from the sun center all have nothing to do with the real distances and their dimensionless ratios. Instead, they are functions of 1.2 with the Saturn to Jupiter ratio ln (2 x 1.2^(4)) = 1.422143 and Venus to Earth 1.2 and earth to Mars the same as Jupiter to Saturn.
Just as we put dates on signed and notarized important papers, this system is self-explanatory if one knows the system. It would take substantial knowledge of the solar system to develop such a system. This analysis could not be done without something like Hplanet software and the ability to use it proficiently.
How Was It Done?
Since the effort was done in 2018, the Hplanet configuration then was not that far from the VA 243 image. In stepping back to 2004 when it appeared many of the planets lined up, it was thought that date was the design. But when things didn’t seem to form a complete system, the universal date was moved back in time 1151 years until 2600 BC which was 4 cycles of 1151 years. There the image was close, and it was obvious that if the time was moved forward to 2585 BC it might fit quite well. And that’s when the other pieces like planet diameter ratios began to surface.
The dimensionless ratio of Comet 1680 to the sun is about 68% which is close to the 70% speculated earlier from the Arkaim geometry.
This interpretation moves away from the Sitchin speculation that the image represented 12 planets but clearly advances his theory about Planet X. The overall systematic representation demolishes the idea of some artistic decoration.
It also limits what we can do about Comet 1680 if it potentially has residents on a planet orbiting around it. I suspect they would not like to have it destroyed or re-routed but likely don’t want it to crash into anything. Perhaps they are advanced enough and have lived there long enough to know that no eminent danger is present due to perhaps magnetic and electrostatic forces that are keeping it from getting too close or too far from the sun. However, for earthlings it might still be a very serious matter.
Back to the original post
If Comet 1680 turns out to be a white dwarf, no life can exist on something that dense. The gravity would simply not allow it and the temperature never cools enough. But it could have a planet or two that could support life. Orbiting a white dwarf might require a specialty atmosphere for protection against unhealthy radiation. At temperature three times the sun, there is no telling what type of radiation may be present.
Recently folks at CalTech have been researching the Kuiper Belt objects which appear to have been disturbed by some large body, yet unfound but likely to be found fairly soon. There could be some questions as to whether Comet 1680 or its planets are causing the disturbance.
Our only option may be to reconfigure our civilization to better survive whatever influence Comet 1680 may have in the future. One example would be to move most of our people away from the ocean shores, exactly where most of them are now. Another would be to pre-position survival equipment and education materials in caves or underground bunkers. There is no way we are going to relocate maybe then 10 billion people to another planet.
There are three important conclusions to consider:
1. We cannot relocate 10 billion people
2. Some people will survive on earth
3. Corrective measures could make things worse.
If the reader somehow still believes that the VA 243 couldn’t possibly have the technology to demonstrate the solar system configuration in 2585 BC, then the Ziggurat of Ur image below should be examined to show just how developed these folks were when that structure was built.
The Google Earth Image of Ziggurat of Ur above has been rotated counterclockwise to fit on the page at a larger scale. The green line running from lower right to up left corners is exactly due north and exactly 365.25636 x 10 /16 feet. The green text at the north corner and the NW corners is the latitude and longitude of each corner. The conjugate ratio of these coordinates is in each case exactly the Gaussian Constant when the variability of the earth to sun distance is used before it was set by committee about a decade ago. The value for the NW is 1.72020xxx and the N is 1.7201994 which is still remarkably close to the .001720209895 value established by Gauss in the late 1800s when the mass of the earth, moon and sun were not known with precision.
At the bottom are calculations likely not of interest to most readers in black and is the formula for the perimeter developed purely from the square root of 1 billion. The left and right vertical lines in the image above are exactly 31.556926 x 4 feet where 31,556,926 are the seconds it takes earth to go around the sun in 1900 AD. The reader can decide whether they fit or not. One should notice the Google Earth scan is not exactly overhead, so the right side is distorted to a lesser angle when the walls are pretty near vertical. The technique to make this correction is complicated. My experience on my homestead in Idaho using Google Earth on already known monuments has provided training for dealing with gullies that are not horizontal.
In other ancient sites similarly analyzed, there is always a question whether the actual builders knew what was happening or they were being guided by “aliens” or perhaps “spiritually”. In one case, the Sumerian Text tells us exactly how it happened.
There is another temple just SE of the Great Ziggurat of Ur temple and it is exactly 5000 / 7 = 714.2857 feet from diagonal intersection of one to the other and the azimuth is exactly 120.000 degrees from north.
The derivation of the formula for each azimuth is given below. First the northerly and then the easterly diagonal.
[ (1 /Sine (5.787388307) / 10) ^ (1/2) x 10] ^ (1/2) = 3.1556926
[ (Sine (97.38873432) ^ (1/2) * 10] ^ (1/2) = 3.1556926
Ratio 5.78 to 97.38) x 250 1/5th root x 1.2 x 4 recip x10000 take ln divide 5 = 1.420407631 where 1.42040575188923 is the hydrogen hyperfine frequency.
Sub backwards goes to 365.2379 which is a very long time ago.
This systematic design criteria makes it certain to reflect a design rather than just random numbers.
So How Did the Sumerians Build These Temples?
ETCSLtranslation : t.2.1.7
Incidental use
The building of Ninĝirsu's temple (Gudea, cylinders A and B)
Enlil is the highest god, Ningirsu is his son. Gudea had the dream.
E-ninnu is the name of the temple to be built by Gudea, the human king
Gudea goes to his mother and sister at Sirara, named Nanse
In the following quotes from the translation the subject Gudea thinks he has had a dream and seeks help from relatives in a better understanding of the dream. From the work I have done analyzing my own dreams, both sleeping and daydreams, there is good reason to believe Gudea had an experience which will be explained later below. For now, the reader needs to simply read this portion of the translation for background information.
10-16. "The lord called for his house and I intend to make the grandeur of E-ninnu known everywhere. Using his wisdom, the ruler (i.e. Gudea) will achieve great things. He will direct faultless cattle and kids for offering. It is for him the fated brick is waiting. It is by him that the building of the holy house is to be done."
Profound things (?) came suddenly to me, the shepherd, but the meaning of what the nocturnal vision brought to me I do not understand. So I will take my dream to my mother and I will ask my dream-interpreter, an expert on her own, my divine sister from Sirara, Nanše, to reveal its meaning to me.
115-123. "There was, furthermore, a warrior. His arm was bent, holding a lapis lazuli tablet in his hand, and he was setting down the plan of the house. The holy basket stood in front of me, the holy brick mould was ready and the fated brick was placed in the mould for me. In a fine ildag tree standing before me tigidlu birds were spending the day twittering. My master's right-side donkey stallion was pawing the ground for me.
124-131. His mother Nanše answered the ruler: "My shepherd, I will explain your dream for you in every detail. The person who, as you said, was as enormous as the heavens, who was as enormous as the earth, whose head was like that of a god, whose wings, as you said, were like those of the Anzud bird, and whose lower body was, as you said, like a flood storm, at whose right and left lions were lying, was in fact my brother Ninĝirsu. He spoke to you about the building of his shrine, the E-ninnu."
132-133. "The daylight that had risen for you on the horizon is your personal god Ninĝišzida, who will rise for you as the daylight on the horizon."
134-140. "The young woman …… sheaves, who held a stylus of refined silver in her hand, who had placed it on a tablet with propitious stars and was consulting it, was in fact my sister Nisaba. She announced to you the holy stars auguring the building of the house."
141-143. "The second one, who was a warrior and whose arm was bent, holding a lapis lazuli tablet in his hand, was Nindub, putting the plan of the house on the tablet."
144-146. "As regards the holy basket standing in front of you, the holy brick mould which was ready and the fated brick placed in the mould, this part of the dream concerns the good brick of the E-ninnu."
147-149. "As regards the fine ildag tree standing before you, in which, as you said, tigidlu birds were spending the day twittering, this means that the building of the house will not let sweet sleep come into your eyes.
294-305. "When you drive in my foundation pegs for me, when you really set to work for me on my house, I shall direct my steps to the mountains where the north wind dwells and make the man with enormous wings, the north wind, bring you wind from the mountains, the pure place, so that this will give vigour to the Land, and thus one man will be able to do as much work as two. At night the moonlight, at noon the sun will send plentiful light for you so the day will build the house for you and the night will make it rise for you."
Lapis lazuli
Finding this image and relating it to psychic correspondence had a very special place for me. When doing my meditation-like routine (instrumental music playing softly; dim natural lighting from outside; eyelids closed but eyes not rolled back; constantly mentally repeating “I want to be one with the universe”) I soon find myself step by step finally in an indigo cave with “gold crystals” on the walls. The problem I had as an engineer was that gold doesn’t make crystals. I never made any more progress to wherever I needed to go, until now. Perhaps my mining upbringing put me in the cave. But using Google Earth to examine the mines in Sar-i-sang, Afghanistan, these are more like placer operations on a steep drainage in very rugged mountains but probably have small sink passages to reach more of the washed down rocks.
Above all the buildings on the steeper slide rocks, the blue tint shows up in several locations, but not over a wide area. This appears to be the source of the lapis lazuli although there are likely many more tons and perhaps polished in the gradual grinding movement of the deep slide rock.
In my meditation-like process, a very precise image seems to appear on the inside of the closed eyelid, like a tv screen. But I can influence the image. I can move to and fro in the cave and can zoom in on the gold, hence the finding of crystal structure. In other very complex images that look somewhat like drawings, I can pan left and right and up and down at will or just allow the “image maker” to move it. Or I can stop it and zoom in layer after layer until some detail is all there is. It appears to be like a drawing of the floor plan of a furniture store demonstration setup without any dimensions or any written text. Over my decades of managing professional engineering departments, it seems to remind me of my viewing of a manufacturing plant layout of a process I have never seen before.
A very important aspect of this overall process is the appearance of a star, or multiple stars, when the inner being likes what the outer being is thinking and wants to encourage further thoughts in that direction. Most of the time there is nothing, but occasionally when the inner being dislikes the thoughts, a slight ring with a total black inside appears. The inside of the eyelid is not totally black as some outside light is coming through the somewhat thin skin of the eyelid. So essentially, a disliking is related to a “black color inside a thin ring of light”. This is a very important aspect of the overall communication and “guidance”.
Sometimes in panning a complex image around, the stars form on the side of the image that the “guidance” is wanting me to move. This recent improvement only came about after discovering the lapis lazuli information and the Sumerian Text herein.
Lapis lazuli doesn’t have real gold, but iron pyrite (fool’s gold) made from iron and sulfur combining in the absence of oxygen into crystals. It has been known to exist and used by very ancient civilizations (perhaps 50,000 BC) from mines in NE Afghanistan which is just south and upriver from the later developed Silk Road. Substantial ore could have easily been floated down rivers running north into Tajikistan and then west destined for Sumer downriver into modern day Iraq. Perhaps the spirit was trying to tell us how to use the crystal. I have iron pyrite in a short tunnel on my property in Idaho, but no indigo colors associated with it. Indigo blue and gold are complementary colors used by artists to sell more paintings.
Why would the spirit be pictured making the plan for the temple on a tablet of lapis lazuli? The people in Gudea’s world must have already had some experience with the gemstone and perhaps recognized it for its ability to stimulate what essentially is a psychic experience to some folks. The temple designs reported far above almost cannot be communicated to someone of ancient times and so there may not be a need to record the geometry for observation by Sumerian folks of the time. The layout and placement of bricks was just something the workers “felt they needed to do”. The stone is very beautiful and something that would attract future people to focus on.
Most of the next portion of the text covers the rituals associated with construction and a few details of the materials. The ending is below.
1355-1361. The house reaches up to heaven like a huge mountain and its fearsomeness and radiance have settled upon the Land. An and Enlil have determined the fate of Lagaš; Ninĝirsu's authority has become known to all the countries; E-ninnu has grown so high as to fill the space between heaven and earth. Ninĝirsu be praised!
1362-1363. This is the end of the hymn "The building of Ninĝirsu's house".
If one thinks of the geometric design emanating from temples as mathematical music, then calling it a “hymn” might be very appropriate. There seems to be far more involved with these temples than modern humans have given attention to. It is fortunate that the Sumerian Text has survived and makes one wonder if the Great Pyramids, Teotihuacan and Newgrange don’t have some text floating around yet to be discovered.
This certainly follows the idea that some type of spiritual encounter happened and maybe happens routinely on environments like earth. If billions of people can believe in ancient texts like the Bible and say heavily speculated aspects of Hindu Scriptures, surely this scenario is not a major reach of faith.
Bransonjim9 at gmail dot com
Jim Branson Retired Professional Engineering Manager
my latest work provides additional explanation on how to use Google Earth in modeling mode to achieve greater precision than just measurements.
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